It was a good chance to share ideas and collaborate professionally on where we are at and where to next.
Discussion around where our inquiry fits on the SAMR ladder was very valuable. There were a couple of great resources, links that I felt explained the model for me, one was the SAMR wheel and the other was an analogy of Taking a Dip in the SAMR Swimming Pool. They both got me thinking about how I can move my pedagogy from "best practise" or enhancement in the shallow end to transformative in the deep end. Lots of food for thought.
Progress on 'My Inquiry'
My inquiry has developed into a 2 pronged inquiry with the quality of the vocabulary being one prong and the recording and presenting of the virtual or real experience being the other.
I have already used a couple of interventions to assist with the quality of vocabulary including using a split screen to enable the children to view the collaborative word lists that we have created alongside their writing. They are also learning how to use and online thesaurus to provide richer vocabulary.

and this will provide them with not only a visual prompt for them to write on when they return but also the scaffolding required for when they take photos of an experience at home. They will share this at school and then it will be a prompt for their writing.
The next step for my blogging will be to provide some links to evidence of my interventions so that others can share the ideas.
Some of the other ideas that I will be using shared by others in the group are using teacher dashboard as a visible, motivational, scaffolding tool in writing. I can't wait to give this a go and also using comic creator templates as another writing tool.
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