"When you are brave enough to step out of your comfort zone that's where the magic happens."
"Innovation is change that unlocks new value."Jamie Notter
My application to present at the EdTech Summit in Sydney was accepted which meant that I was going to join the rest of the MIT2018 team July 9 - July 11, how exciting.
My journey......
Time to whip up a presentation ...... but on what?
The team met in Sydney, minus one (Danni was unwell and we missed her) all excited about presenting over the next few days.
Day 1
Rooty Hill High School, team arrives.
Presentation went well, feedback great, relieved to have it over.
Keynote speakers were great there is a link to resources at the end of my blog post.
Dorothy's presentation on Google Keep was one of my favourites, I can see this app making a difference to my life as a teacher and personally too.
Dorothy rocked the demo slam and all my other colleagues presented well. There was a real sense of whanaungatanga and support for each other which was awesome.
Dinner down by the Parramatta river after mixing and mingling with the presenters was a lovely way to end the day.
Day 2 Rooty Hill
More presentations and the pressure was off slightly. I attended two amazing presentations today one on Growth Mindset
DEEP DIVE: The Power of Possibility - Cultivating Growth Mindset in Your Classroom
Once Upon our Time - Digital Storytelling with Heart
Once Upon Our Time Digital Storytelling with Heart.
Both presentations were by the same presenter Twitter: @LadyWesner
A dynamic lady who I enjoyed listening to and learning from. Adobe Spark is a great tool and I also enjoyed learning about the 6 words stories and how to used story spine in the classroom.
I also attended one of my colleagues presentations Zac Moran, on video making in the classroom and got some great ideas from him on how I can make some amazing videos easily. This may also come in handy for my inquiry.
Dinner at the Bavarian Restaurant was a nice way to round off the day!