

Monday, June 11, 2018

Feedback on Staff Hui Self Management

After some discussion the staff came up with the following statements to break down the key competency self management.

  • Set high standards
  • Developing a range of strategies to become a successful learner
  • Plan my work
  • Act appropriately in a range of settings
  • Become aware of my actions and words on others
  • Set high self expectations
  • Make well informed choices
  • Establish personal goals
We went around each poster and wrote specific goals relating to each statement. Below are the posters.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Staff Hui Term 2

As part of my inquiry I have held a staff hui to collaborate with the other teachers at the school to gain a better understanding of where we are at regarding the self management key competency.

 I started witha short slide presentation explaining my inquiry briefly.